Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

Ellie recently rolled over from her back to front for the first time.  Now that she has figured it out, she is a rolling machine!  The best part is how excited she gets when she flips herself over.  Her smile grows to encompass her entire face and she looks like she is about to explode from happiness.  She is just so proud of herself! 

The only trouble started last night.  Ellie still sleeps swaddled.  We have tried to have her sleep without it, with both arms out, and with one arm out, but she sleeps best wrapped like a baby burrito.  Last night she rolled herself onto her stomach while still completely swaddled, arms and all.  When Eugene went in after hearing her cry at 2am, he found her with her back arched and head up.

We have to make sure her arms are out, but I am so nervous that she won't sleep well with that kind of movement.  I already bought a sleep sack to use when she outgrows the swaddle, but if it wasn't for the rolling incident, she would stay wrapped. 

Does anyone have any advice about leaving the swaddle behind?